D. Preponderance of the Evidence
To show a “preponderance of evidence” is to have evidence that is of greater weight or is more convincing than the evidence that is offered in opposition to it. A metaphor to illustrate the concept of preponderance is the scales of justice rising slightly higher on one side; that is enough to meet the standard of “preponderance of the evidence.” It is the standard of proof which is generally used in civil cases. Tex. Fam. Code § 105.005. This burden applies to:
• 60 Day Status Review;
• Aggravated Circumstances;
• Permanency Hearing before Final Order;
• Final Order Awarding Permanent Managing Conservatorship (PMC) (without termination);
• Permanency Hearing after Final Order;
• Adoption Hearing; and
• Hearing on reinstatement of parental rights. Tex. Fam. Code § 161.303.