Texas Child Protection Law Bench Book
2024 version: As effective October 1, 2024
E. Civil / Coercive
Civil contempt, more accurately known as coercive contempt, has the purpose of securing compliance with a court order. To be enforceable by coercive contempt the order must be clear and unambiguous.[48] Due process standards apply in indirect contempt proceedings to assure that the contemnor is offered adequate safeguards. Due process for civil or coercive contempt requires:
• Full and complete notice of the conduct with which the contemnor is charged;[49]
• Adequate notice of the court order alleged to have been violated;[50]
• Ample time to prepare and respond to the allegation;[51]
• Reasonable notice of the time and date of the contempt hearing;[52]
• The right to appointed counsel if the alleged contemnor is indigent; [53]
• The right to a jury trial if the potential punishment exceeds 6 months in jail;[54]
• The right to be advised by the court of the right to a jury if punishment could exceed 6 months in jail; [55] and
• The ability to comply with the court order.[56]