G. ICPC and Victims of Domestic Sex Trafficking

According to a Juvenile Law Advisory Committee Brief on the ICPC and Domestic Child Sex Trafficking issued by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in 2014, and in the context of child sex trafficking victims, the ICPC is often implicated in trying to place victims in the few facilities that can provide the extensive services needed for trafficking survivors. As the needs of this population are complex and expensive, only a limited number of residential institutions can provide this high level of care. Services for victims often require multi-systemic and long-term care, and the cost of housing a child in a residential facility can be expensive. Additionally, the operation of residential facilities is legally and practically complicated, and unfeasible for many poor, small or rural counties. Thus child sex trafficking victims may not have a variety of placements which fit their needs, forcing placing agencies to look outside the home state. There are various organizations that also recommend victims be removed from the original geographic area of exploitation during restorative services. There are only a handful of facilities throughout the country that specifically provide placement and services for trafficking victims.