Texas Child Protection Law Bench Book

August 2015 edition

A. In Texas

In Texas, a higher percentage of African American and Native American children:

•   Are removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.

•   Don't return home to their families.

•   Grow up in foster care without being adopted or finding another permanent placement.[4]

Chart Showing Percentages of Children by Ethnicity in Different Stages of CPS cases

The FY 2012 data shows African American children were much more likely than Anglo or Hispanic children to be reported as victims of child abuse or neglect and are removed from their families at more than twice the rate of the general population. African American children comprised 11.6% of the general child population of Texas but accounted for almost 28.0% of all children awaiting adoption. Even when other factors are taken into account, African American children spend more time in foster care, or other substitute care, are less likely to go home to their parents, and wait longer for adoption.

While African American and American Indian children are overrepresented in foster care, White and Hispanic children are underrepresented. However, most Hispanic children wait longer than White children to be adopted.

Chart Showing Median Time for Children to Be Adopted by Ethnicity